What’s the Difference between Harassment and Discrimination?

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Preventing and Addressing Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace (Employee-version). Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Preventing and Addressing Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace (Employee-version) (online CE course)
What’s the Difference between Harassment and Discrimination?

Harassment generally involves a pattern of behavior in the workplace that causes an individual to feel uncomfortable, unaccepted, or intimidated. Jokes, insults, put-downs, intimidation, offensive objects or cartoons, and touching all contribute to harassment. Usually, a single incident, unless it is serious, does not demonstrate a hostile workplace. It is usually repeated behavior from one or more individuals that demonstrates a pattern of harassment.
Discrimination generally refers to choices made by an employer based on race, color, age, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, or another protected category rather than choices based on capability, talent, experience, or another legitimate factor. A single instance of denying an individual a job or a promotion, or terminating an existing employee based on one or more of the protected criteria, constitutes discrimination.