Red Blood Cell Morphology Simulator

  • Twenty five peer reviewed cases
  • Virtual microscope with low and high power settings + focusing
  • Identify a wide variety of morphological features
  • Video summary at the end of each case, narrated by experts
  • Available 24/7/365 from any Internet-connected computer, smartphone, or tablet. Start at work, finish at home
  • Start your subscription any time: Your subscription isn't tied to the calendar year. Subscribe anytime and get a full year's access
25 cases
Access for a full year

A great resource for practicing RBC morphology evaluation! The LabCE Red Blood Cell Morphology Case Simulator, produced in collaboration with the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, includes 25 well-documented case studies from patients with a variety of conditions affecting RBC morphology. Perform the review yourself and then compare your cell identifications with the experts.

Curated by Experts

Each case has been assembled and peer-reviewed by a panel of experts from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center.

Virtual Microscope

The Red Blood Cell Morphology Case Simulator's virtual microscope lets you explore a slide just like you would on a microscope. Survey the field at low power, then switch to 50x or 100x for detail. You can even focus up and down on individual cells.

Thousands of RBCs

The Red Blood Cell Morphology Case Simulator takes you through a real-life tour of the blood smear by simulating the actual experience of the evaluating technologist. You'll see morphological features including hypochromasia, macrocytes, microcytes, Pappenheimer bodies, platelet clumps, polychromasia, schistocytes, sickle cells, spherocytes, target cells, and teardrop cells.

Ideal for All Medical Laboratory Students and Professionals

The Red Blood Cell Morphology Case Simulator is the perfect tool to hone the skills of everyone interested in blood smear morphology. This includes medical laboratory science students, medical students, experienced medical laboratory professionals, resident physicians, hematologists, and pathologists.

Video Summary of Each Case

At the conclusion of each case, you'll get access to a video summary. Experts from the LSU Health Science Center review the case, pointing out important morphological features, and working through more difficult RBC morphology evaluations. Each video lasts 5 – 10 minutes.

Why Use the Red Blood Cell Morphology Case Simulator?

How to Use the Red Blood Cell Morphology Case Simulator