Donor Requirements and Testing

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Donor Requirements and Testing

The basic requirements to be an HSC donor are similar to those of blood donors. They include the following requirements listed in Table 3.
Table 3. Donor Requirements.
Age18–60 years
HIV StatusPersons infected with HIV are excluded
AllergiesLife-threatening allergies (i.e., latex allergy) may exclude donors
ArthritisRheumatoid and advanced arthritis excludes donors
AsthmaAsthma requiring steroid use will exclude donors
Autoimmune diseaseAutoimmune disorders (e.g., SLE, severe psoriasis, fibromyalgia) excludes donors
Bleeding disordersFactor V Leiden and Von Willebrand disease excludes donors
Brain injury/ Brain surgeryDonors with a history of brain injury and multiple concussions are excluded
CancerDonors with a history of any blood cancer are excluded
Heart disease/ StrokeDonors who have recovered from a heart attack or stroke are excluded
HepatitisDonors who have been infected or are carriers of Hepatitis B or C are excluded
Kidney diseaseDonors with glomerulonephritis and other severe kidney disorders are excluded
Liver diseaseDonors with severe liver disease, such as Wilson's disease, are excluded
Chronic Lyme diseaseDonors with chronic Lyme disease are excluded
WeightDonors with a BMI greater than 40 are usually excluded
Donor testing
In addition to the questions about the donor’s medical history and ethnicity, donors are tested for HLA tissue type by collecting cheek cells with a cotton swab. The HLA antigens tested using molecular diagnostics are HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, DRBI, and DQ. Since a donor has two sets of each antigen, both sets must be identical to the patient for a perfect match. For example, if a donor is HLA A 33, 34, HLA B 58, 44, and HLA C 07, 05, the patient must match all 6 alleles for a match. Due to their lower level of immunogenicity, cord blood cells often do not require a perfect match (for example, 9 of 10 may be acceptable).
If a donor’s preliminary testing matches a prospective recipient, the donor is retested to verify the HLA typing and detect potential infectious diseases that may cause complications for the patient. Recent studies have shown that unrelated HLA-matched donors have the same long-term outcome as HLA-matched siblings.