Course Outline
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- Case Scenario
- Test Results
- Compatibility Testing
- The ABO, Rh, and antibody screen results were obtained by the transfusion services laboratory using the blood specimen that was collected prior to sta...
- The antibody screen is positive but the transfusion of the O Rh-negative RBCs is already in progress. What are the transfusion service (TS) laboratory...
- Crossmatch Results
- Pretransfusion Direct Antiglobulin Test Result
- Post-Transfusion Tests
- Post-Transfusion DAT Results
- Which of the following statements about mixed-field agglutination (MFA) is inaccurate?
- In this case, which red blood cells (RBCs) are agglutinating in the DAT and why?Antibody Screen CellsGel IAT*Screen Cell I 3+Screen Cell II 2+Screen C...
- Antibody Investigation
- Which of the following most likely accounts for the patient's post-transfusion plasma giving negative panel results?
- Other Post-Transfusion Tests
- Consulting the Patient's Physician
- Follow-up With Clinical Staff
- Immediate Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction Signs and Symptoms
- Cause of Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction
- Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction Signs and Symptoms
- Signs and Symptoms Precaution
- Which of the following signs and symptoms most likely indicate a severe immediate hemolytic transfusion reaction?
- Investigating Weak Antibodies
- Two Weeks Post-Transfusion Antibody Identification
- Antibody Exclusion Protocol
- Using the guidelines in the Antibody Exclusion Protocol, which antibodies are possible (have not been excluded) using this panel? Select all that appl...
- Which of the following antibodies in this scenario could explain all reactions by itself?Antibody identification results:CellRh-HrKellDuffyKiddLewisLu...
- Which of the following cells would be the most useful in excluding anti-E and anti-K in this patient?
- Variations in Antibody Strength
- When the patient's plasma was non-reactive with panel cells and very weak and unidentifiable in the post-transfusion RBC eluate, no attempt was made t...
- DAT Change of Status
- Antigen Phenotyping
- Antigen Phenotyping Issues
- Antigen Phenotyping Results
- Which of the following statements about antigen phenotyping is inaccurate?
- Post-Examination Check of Data
- Evaluating Inconsistencies
- Unexpected Anomaly
- Reflecting on Probability of the Solution
- When performing an antibody investigation, which of the following would indicate an inconsistency that needs to be further investigated?
- The patient's red cell eluate initially was unidentifiable, reacting weakly with only two panel cells that did not fit a pattern. Once anti-Jka was id...
- Using Probability Values
- Antibody Identification Checklist
- As discussed earlier, one of the post-examination tools for confirming that the serologic data fit the solution is to consider the big picture, as pre...
- Case Outcome
- References
Additional Information
Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: Medical laboratory scientists, medical
laboratory technicians, laboratory supervisors, and laboratory managers. This
course is also appropriate for MLS and MLT students and pathology residents.
Author Information: Pat Letendre, M.Ed., MT(CSMLS), is a medical laboratory scientist, educator, and consultant. Currently, she consults full-time in the areas of transfusion medicine, education, professional development, and the use of the Internet in education. Ms. Letendre is the Webmaster for the Canadian Society for Transfusion Medicine and the TraQ website coordinator. She holds a Master of Education degree in adult education from the University of Alberta and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Manitoba.
Reviewer Information: Laurie Bjerklie, MA, MLS(ASCP)CM, is
currently an Education Developer for MediaLab and LabCE. She earned a B.S. in
Medical Laboratory Science from the University of North Dakota and an M.A. in
Curriculum and Instruction from Saint Xavier University. She has over 15 years
of experience in higher education and has held program director and faculty
positions in both MLT and MLS programs.
Course Description: This course presents a case in which a patient has an unexpected antibody that disappears after they are transfused with unmatched group O Rh negative red blood cells.