Body Temperature

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Body Temperature

A few tests also require specimens to be kept at or close to body temperature (98.6°F or 37°C). In this case, an incubator is needed for transportation. They can include:
  • Cold agglutinins
  • Cryoglobulins
  • Blood cultures
  • Quantiferon (TB) samples
The testing and test reactions for cold agglutinins and cryoglobulins take place in the refrigerator. Cooling would render the specimens unusable and have to be recollected, causing a delay in turn-around-time for the patient test results.
With blood cultures, the laboratory is trying to retrieve viable microorganisms living at body temperature (98.6°F) and may be shocked when subjected to any temperature change. This compromise may result in the death of the microorganisms and an incorrect negative blood culture report.
2. “Fahrenheit and Celsius Temperature Range .” Wikimedia Commons,

Body temperature (2).