Pre-examination: Proper Transport of Specimens

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Arthropods and the Clinical Laboratory. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Pre-examination: Proper Transport of Specimens

Specimens must be transported to the laboratory per your facility's specimen transportation plan. The primary specimen container must often be placed into an adequately sealed biohazard bag for in-house specimen transport.
Criteria for specimen rejection include improperly labeled specimen containers/slides, leaking specimens, and specimen containers submitted without a secondary leakproof biohazard bag (or alternate appropriate container secondary packaging). Again, refer to your facility's specimen transportation plan.
If the specimen is to be shipped to a reference laboratory (or your local or state public health laboratory), follow all pertinent labeling, packaging, and shipping instructions to transport infectious substances and diagnostic specimens safely. (Always use adequate absorbent material to absorb all contents if a leak should occur.) Follow instructions for providing a leak-proof secondary container and an outside box.
The following URL contains specimen packing and shipping guidance for infectious specimens:
Specimens in formalin are not usually considered diagnostic because they have been biologically inactivated and preserved. Biopsy mailers may be used for these specimens. Noninfectious specimens containing small quantities of a flammable preservative such as ethanol must be marked using UN 1170 (ethanol) packaging. Do not send vials containing more than 30 mL of alcohol.