Gross Anatomy Concepts and Terminology

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Gross Anatomy Concepts and Terminology

The processes of gross examination and description require knowledge of anatomy, surgical pathology, and a basic descriptive vocabulary. In medicine, "gross" means observed without a microscope. For purposes of communication, certain definitions, concepts, and orientations must be regarded as standard.
There is a brief review of gross anatomy and dissection terms:
Anterior (ventral)Towards the front of the body
Posterior (dorsal)Towards the back of the body
Superior (cephalic, cephalad)Towards the head
Inferior (caudal, caudad)Towards the feet
MedialMedian plane (midline) of the body
LateralAway from the median plane of the body
ProximalNearest the trunk or point of origin
DistalFarthest from the trunk or point of origin
SuperficialNearest to the skin surface
DeepFarthest from the skin surface
TransverseA horizontal plane at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the body or a body part with division into superior and inferior parts
CoronalA vertical plane that divides the body or body structure into anterior and posterior parts
SagittalA vertical plane parallel to the median plane that divides the body or a body part into medial and lateral part (parasagittal)
There are different terms that can be used to describe how tissue is submitted:
In totoAll the tissue is submitted without it being cut, stained, or manipulated
EntirelyTissue is submitted entirely but it has been altered
RepresentativelyTissue is altered, but not entirely submitted
The two main methods of margin submission are en face and perpendicular:
En face (shaved section)Taken parallel to the plane of resection
On edge (perpendicular)Taken perpendicular to the plane of resection

The reference planes of the human body in the standard anatomical position