Course Outline
Click on the links below to preview selected pages from this course.
- Course Introduction
- Aspirin Therapy and Introduction to Aspirin Resistance
- Platelets and Aspirin
- Aspirin Uses and Dosing
- Aspirin Resistance
- Algorithmic Approach For a Patient With Suspected Aspirin Resistance
- Factors that May Limit the Effectiveness of Aspirin
- True or False: Aspirin's ability to suppress prostaglandins and thromboxane A2 creation is due to its irreversible inactivation of the cyclooxygenase ...
- Clopidogrel Therapy and Clopidogrel Resistance
- Platelets and Clopidogrel
- Clopidogrel Dosing
- Clopidogrel Resistance
- Which of the following is a receptor that is located on platelet cell membranes and is inhibited by clopidogrel, thereby preventing platelet aggregati...
- Antiplatelet Medication Response Testing: Specimen Collection and Handling Requirements
- Aspirin and Clopidogrel Response Testing
- Monitoring Response to Aspirin and Clopidogrel Therapy
- Optical Light Transmission
- Aspirin Response Analysis: Optical Light Transmission Aggregometry
- Clopidogrel Response Analysis: Optical Light Transmittance Aggregometry
- Whole Blood Impedance Aggregometry
- Aspirin Response Analysis: Whole Blood Impedance Aggregometry
- Clopidogrel Response Analysis: Whole Blood Impedance Aggregometry
- True or False: Arachidonic acid is routinely used as an agonist to assess clopidogrel effectiveness in whole blood impedance aggregometry methods.
- Helena Laboratories PlateletWorks Kit
- Aspirin Response Analysis: Helena Laboratories PlateletWorks Kit
- Clopidogrel Response Analysis: Helena Laboratories PlateletWorks Kit
- Cartridge-Based Platelet Aggregation
- Other Aspirin Response Tests
- Aspirin Response Analysis: Shear Flow Technology
- Aspirin Response Analysis: Urinary 11-Dehydrothromboxane B2 for Aspirin Resistance
- Aspirin Response Analysis: AspirinWorks Analysis
- A PFA-100 method system is used to evaluate platelet function in a patient who is on aspirin therapy. Which of the following collagen/epinephrine clos...
- The elevation of which of the following substances in a urine sample may indicate a decreased response to aspirin therapy and an increased potential f...
- Other Clopidogrel Response Tests
- Additional Clopidogrel Response Tests
- Clopidogrel Response Analysis: Thromboelastography
- CYP2C19 Genotyping for Clopidogrel
- Which platelet aggregometry methodology measures thrombi creation by tension on a wire, which is measured in a curve plot by the analyzer?
- Treatment for Antiplatelet Medication Resistant Patients
- Treatment Alternatives When Aspirin or Clopidogrel Non-responsiveness is Detected
- References
Additional Information
Level of instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: Medical laboratory scientists, medical technologists, and technicians. This course is also appropriate for medical laboratory science students and pathology residents.
Author information: Leah Coppolino, MPH, MLS(ASCP)CM is a Program Director at MediaLab, Inc. Previously, she was the Director of the Medical Laboratory Science Program at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She holds a Masters in Public Health from Thomas Jefferson University.
Reviewer information:
Dr. Phyllis Ingham, EdD, MEd, MLS(ASCP) is the Director of Clinical Laboratory Technology Phlebotomy at West Georgia Technical College in Waco, Georgia. Dr. Ingham holds a bachelor's degree from Auburn University, a master's degree in education from Alabama State University, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Argosy University.
Joshua J. Cannon, MS, MLS(ASCP)CMSHCM received his Bachelor
of Science and Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science from Thomas
Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA. He holds Medical Laboratory Scientist
and Specialist in Hematology certifications through the ASCP Board of
Certification. He was a professor at Thomas Jefferson University for seven
years before transitioning into his current role as Education Developer at
MediaLab. His areas of expertise and professional passions include clinical
hematology and interprofessional education.