White Blood Cell Differential Simulator - Basic + Advanced

White Blood Cell Differential Simulator - Basic + Advanced gives you access to both of LabCE's white blood cell (WBC) differential case simulators. Experts at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center have prepared a total of 37 cases (25 in the basic White Blood Cell differential simulator, 12 in the Advanced White Blood Cell differential simulator). Each case includes 100 cells to identify, for a total of 3,700 images of normal and abnormal WBCs. Each case concludes with a video summar, lasting 5 - 10 minutes, where experts review each slide in the differential and debate the finer points of identification. Learn WBCs from the best!
White Blood Cell Differential Simulator - Basic + Advanced includes:
White Blood Cell Differential Simulator $39
Advanced White Blood Cell Differential Simulator $39
Subtotal (if purchased separately) $78
Savings of $10
Package Price $60
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WBC Case Simulator

Advanced WBC Case Simulator